Outplacement offer


Supporting Employment Protection Plans (PSE)

A tool for outplacement firms

outil outplacement

Centralization of job offers and applications

Customizable dashboard for overall monitoring of key PSE metrics

A vector of differentiation from competitors

Support for the HR teams in charge of the PSE

Analysis of the different scenarios

Anticipation of the impacts of the PES (loss of skills, departure and succession plan, etc.)

Transparency and traceability: fair visibility for the various PES stakeholders

accompagnement RH PSE

Thanks to our agile tool,

provide the best support to your employees during a Job Protection Plan

What exactly is outplacement?

Outplacement, also called professional reclassification, is a process of support for professional mobility that appeared in France in the years 1980-1990. It occurs following a voluntary separation of the employee from the company or during an economic layoff.

Outplacement is not always mandatory. For the dismissal of a single employee, the procedure is not imposed but rather relates to an ethical question and allows a company to separate from an employee under good conditions. On the other hand, it is compulsory for companies which lay off more than 10 employees.

This is a support and advice process that aims to support the employee towards a return to employment. Negotiating an outplacement, however, can be expensive without being synonymous with success.

Our solution aims to increase the impact of firms as well as employee satisfaction by optimizing the results of professional reclassification.