Job Matching


Boost internal mobility and manage career paths

enjeu RH

A real challenge for Human Resources

Support the transformation of professions

Meeting new employee expectations

Respect regulatory constraints

xLearn' solution

Automatically matches employee profiles with internal opportunities

Consolidates and analyzes HR data in real time

Detects and assesses the soft skills and aspirations of employees

solution xlearn

Thanks to our agile tool, boost internal mobility and career management

équipes RH

For HR teams

Consolidation of HR data and predictive analysis of professions and skills

Matching between profiles and positions for mobility and people review


For managers

Identification of skills for projects and missions

Monitoring of objectives and feedback


For employees

Personalized suggestions for training, positions, projects

Help in building a professional project

Internal mobility: a glimpse at its challenges!

There are several forms of mobility within a company or organization: vertical mobility, horizontal mobility and geographic mobility.

  • Horizontal mobility (also transversal transversal mobility or functional mobility): this is a change of workstation or functions at an identical hierarchical level.

  • Vertical mobility: this is when the employee moves to a position with more responsibility and hierarchical recognition, accompanied by a salary increase.

  • Geographical mobility (national or international): this is when the salary changes place of work but performs the same functions.

Mobility can be requested and initiated by the employee or offered directly by the employer.

Regarding the issues, the first is economic. Indeed, external recruitment is 18 to 20% more expensive than internal mobility. It is therefore in your best interest to tap into your internal resources before embarking on external recruitment.

On the one hand, an internal mobility policy will allow you to offer career development opportunities for employees, but it also saves time and resources in your recruitment processes.

In short, recruiting someone internally is much less risky. Indeed, you already know the skills and aptitudes of the internal recruit. Thus, you reduce the uncertainty associated with discovering and analyzing external profiles, and at the same time eliminating all the steps of checking CVs, references and aptitudes.

In addition, the price of the function will be faster and the synergy immediate, the internal recruit already has in-depth knowledge of the company and its culture. You should know that the recruits remain even less efficient than the interns during the first two years in post.

Finally, you retain your employees and give them a sense of security in the company by placing your trust in them and helping them develop their skills.

New tools are revolutionizing human resource management. Such as artificial intelligence (AI) adopt within our company.